

We'll be in the Convocation Room at the Friend Center in the Princeton University campus. The address is 35 Olden St Princeton, NJ 08540

We are at total capacity. Unfortunately, people not on the list will not be able to join us.  We hope to organize more events in the future!

Also, make sure you read and adhere to the Code of Conduct during the entire event, including the informal social gatherings. This code of conduct includes the Chatham House rule, i.e., no recording or revealing who said what. We will have some student notetakers, though.


09:00 ✍️ Registration and light breakfast

09:30 🌈 Welcome - Andrés Monroy-Hernández  (15 min)

09:45  🧊 Ice Breaker (15 min)

10:30  🎤 Keynote - “Toward Governable Spaces” by Nathan Schneider (45 min)

11:15 ☕ Coffee break #1 (15 min)

11:30 ✨ Unconference Sessions #1 (what’s this) (45 min + 10 min share out)  

Propose a topic to discuss with up to 7 other people. Share 2-3 open questions/challenges.

12:25  🍽️ Lunch (65 min)

01:30 🧑‍⚖️ Panel about Content Moderation (45 min)
Facilitator: Aaron Shaw

Panelists: Lindsay Blackwell, Jaz-Michael King, [more to come]

02:15 ✨ Unconference Sessions  #2 (45 min + 10 min share out)

Propose a topic to discuss with up to 7 other people. Share 2-3 open questions/challenges.

03:10 ☕ Coffee break #2  (15 min)

03:25 ✨ Unconference Sessions  #3 (45 min + 10 min share out)

Propose a topic to discuss with up to 7 other people. Share 2-3 open questions/challenges.

04:15 🏛️ Town hall and goodbyes (15 min)
